
iBluetooth (iPod/iPhone)

It's the first iPhone app for the jailbroken iPhone that allows users to transfer files from their iPhone via Bluetooth, a feature which has been missing from the iPhone since its launch (which will be supported in iPhone firmware 3.0).

iBluetooth can be downloaded on your jailbroken iPhone using Cydia (via iSpazio source).

But don't expect to use iBluetooth immediately as you need to download the license to use it first. Simply tap "Get License" button to get a free license for 15-days trial period to try the iPhone app. If you like it, you can buy a license for $3.99 euros.

You can use iBluetooth to send any file on your iPhone to other Bluetooth devices. You can tap on the "File System" tab to navigate through your iPhone's file system and select the file you want to send or tap on the "Images" tab if you want to send photos.

Sending a file or photo using iBluetooth is quite simple:

Select the file or photo that you want to send.

Tap on button at the bottom center.
iBluetooth will scan for available Bluetooth devices.
Tap on the desired device from the list of Bluetooth devices.
Tap on the "Send" button from the pop-up to start transferring the file.

You can tap on "Activity" to review the status of file transfer.

You can also use iBluetooth to receive files on your iPhone from any Bluetooth device. When iBluetooth detects any file transfer request, it'll prompt you to accept or deny the request. By tapping the "Save" button, iBluetooth will start the file transfer and save the file.

You have the option to customize some of the settings such as alter the name of iPhone that should show up when other Bluetooth devices are searching for it. You can enhance security by turning On "PIN" authentication. You can also re-configure the default path.

iBluetooth is a promising app as it allows iPhone users to transfer files to any Bluetooth device from your iPhone using Bluetooth which is currently not possible on a non-jailbroken iPhone. Its simple to use and does exactly as advertised.

When I had reviewed the initial version of iBluetooth, it was quite buggy. The application crashed number of times while testing it and also didn't seem to be able to handle my iPhone's camera roll with large collection of photos very well.

MeDevil, developer of Bluetooth has released an update (v1.0.8) since I reviewed the iPhone app; to fix some of the issues. He has also added also added a toggle switch which gives you the option to turn off vibration mode when you receive a file.

The other issue is that during the special event to preview iPhone firmware 3.0, Apple announced that it will include support for peer to peer connectivity which should allow users to transfer files between Bluetooth devices from your iPhone. But if you can't wait until then, you can definitely checkout iBluetooth.

Ninja Code: Check Links

Ninja Code: Check Links