
Top marks for the iPhone Bluetooth Headset

You are a fan of Apple gadgets and just in love with your iPhone. This is a question that never ceases to fascinate you. You have more users than the iPhone, and finally, you think you must have a Bluetooth headset.

Unfortunately, the Apple Bluetooth headset is not the best complement to the iPhone: It has no volume control, or the last call or turn it off. No noise cancellation headset is good, the battery can not retain his office, and not bring the full potential of the iPhone.

Some Bluetooth headsets continues to grow rapidly in order to choose a headset for the iPhone, not so simple. Given that many producers in the market which would be best to go with your iPhone?

Of all brands, the two leaders in the market for Bluetooth headset: Aliph and Plantronics.


In 1960, the speed and complexity of the jet caused the need for a small, lightweight headphones in the cockpit. Courtney Graham, United Airlines pilot, worked with his friend Kate Larkin a small, functional design, which was sufficient to convey standards airline. May 18, 1961 and Graham Larkin Plantronics as the most important part of the Pacific (now Plantronics Inc.)

Plantronics introduced the first light communication headsets for the commercial market in 1962.

Plantronics mounted section in 1961 to begin work on the headset to be reliably used in the Mercury spacecraft. Neil Armstrong in 1969, the Plantronics headset is one of the most lasting phrases in history.

In 2003, Plantronics CS50 wireless headset for use in the office phones. Since then, wireless headphones, have been widely accepted.


Aliph is a company founded by Alexander Asseily and Hosain Rahman. Aliph is a developer of jawbone Bluetooth headset, which revolutionized the wireless industry with noise removal technology and innovation.

Jaw use the "Noise Assassin adaptation of signal processing technology that Aliph developed for DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), the processing of incoming and outgoing audio to reduce background noise in military terms.

In 2007, the headset was International CES Innovations Design and Engineering Award.

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